Group Leader
Professor of Theoretical Chemistry
- MA Chemistry (1994), University of Oxford (Part II Supervisor: P. A. Madden FRS)
- PhD Physics (1997), University of Bristol (Supervisor: M. P. Allen)
- Izaak Walton Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellow (1997-2000), Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia (Supervisor: G. N. Patey)
- Lecturer (2000-2007), Senior Lecturer (2007-2012), and Reader (2012-2017) in Physical Chemistry, and Professor of Theoretical Chemistry (2017-present) at the University of Edinburgh
- School of Chemistry web page
- Google Scholar web page
- Chemistry Tree
- Enjoys beer, pálinka, slivovice, vodka, whisky, fishing, hardbass, sleeping outdoors, zip wires
Research expertise: the development and application of molecular simulations and statistical mechanics to the study of condensed materials such as liquids, solids, and colloidal suspensions. Current research topics include:
- static and dynamic properties of magnetic liquids;
- self-assembly, adsorption, and friction of amphiphilic and polymeric molecules at liquid-solid interfaces;
- using molecular simulations to complement scattering and reflectivity experiments;
- thermal properties of complex fluids;
- biomolecular self-assembly and biomineralisation.